The Beginnings


The journey began almost 15 years ago when I bought a small bar of handmade soap at a Ren-Fair and fell in love with it. Unfortunately I could never locate the seller again and store bought soap just couldn’t compare. So I decided that I needed to look up soap making. My great grandmother had made her own soap so I took what information I knew from her and then went to the internet to research. I wanted a quality bar of soap that wouldn’t make my skin dry but also wouldn’t leave me feeling like a coat of slime was left behind.

After 10 years of trial and error I found what for me is the perfect recipe. It’s not the cheapest as I wanted responsibly sourced, fair trade, and renewably farmed ingredients. On top of that I wanted to make sure that the materials I use in my packaging and the packaging I receive my materials in are either compostable, recycle-able, or biodegradable. I use biodegradable shrink wrap and reusable tins or compostable materials for all of my soap and lotion.

As for the name of my company, well when I was making soap at the beginning I had gotten a dog, a Catahoula named Remy and since he was my companion on my journey I made him my mascot and so the Catahoula Bubble Company was born. Remy is no longer with me but his spirit lives on in every bar of soap and lotion. Now I have his sisters with me and they continue their supervision but don’t worry, there are no dogs in my soap and they have to stay safely out of the workroom when soap making is in process.

So now I make small batches of soap, between 16 and 20 bars per batch with care and attention and a little bit of passion. No machines here except my trusty stick blender. It’s all hand mixed, poured, cut and wrapped.

I can’t make soap for everyone but hopefully I bring a little happiness in the bubbles from every bar.